Permanent Makeup: Everything You Need to Know

First of all, what is permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup also referred to as PMU or cosmetic tattooing, is a procedure performed by a licensed tattoo artist. These are tattoos (yes, you read that right, a tattoo!), and, as such, they are permanent. There is no such thing as “semipermanent makeup.”

PMU is great for people who want to cut down their beauty routine and clear out their cluttered makeup cabinet! Say goodbye to smudges and reapplying. You’ll always be selfie-ready once your tattoo heals.

Some different types of PMU include microblading, powder/ombre brows, lip blush, permanent eyeliner, and freckles/beauty marks. Your artist will complete these procedures with either a tattoo machine or a hand tool.

You may be thinking, “Tattoos, aren’t they super painful?!” Fortunately, with cosmetic tattooing, we use different numbing agents to keep you comfy. This isn’t to say the process is entirely painless. You may still feel tenderness, but it is short-lived and minor.

As techniques have modernized, (this isn’t your grandma’s pmu!), I have observed the industry moving away from hand tools and microblading, so I will focus on tattoo machine procedures.

Lip Blush

Let’s get this out of the way; Lip Blush is not for people who want bigger lips! Lip Blushing only adds color to the lips. An ideal candidate is looking to achieve symmetry or add a wash of color to their lips.

We mix up custom pigments for this tattoo to get you the exact shade you want. Feel free to bring in lipstick or some photos for reference! In almost every case, we can match your favorite shade exactly.

Although the color may appear terrifyingly bright the first few days, I promise the color will fade to a beautiful shade, similar to a lip tint. Check out the pic below for proof.

After 1st Session, Healed Lips & After Touchup

About two days in, your lips will start peeling like crazy. THIS IS NORMAL! Because we penetrated the skin, it needs to heal, and the first step to this is getting rid of all that damaged skin so we can see your beautiful new color below.

But wait, why is it so light?? The new skin is opaque as it goes through the healing cycle (about one to two months), and once complete, the final color will show through.

Powder / Ombré Brows

Why two names? Although these are the same procedure, some artists prefer one or the other. No other reason!

Powder/Ombre Brows created by Ro Bataille

Similar to Lip Blushing, this procedure is also completed with a tattoo machine. We create a wash of color that is darkest at the tails and fades naturally towards the inner corners. If you want to look like you always have filled in your brows like a pro, then this tattoo is for you!

There are so many pigments and color mixes, we can create a shade for every hair color and skin tone. Although, it is best to go with something similar to your natural hair color if you decide to change your hair later.

Once again, your brows will peel like crazy! Make sure that important events are at least two weeks away so you can avoid awkward conversations. The first few days, you’ll probably want to stay home.

And once again, your brows will look too dark, too light, then just perfect. Got that Goldilocks?


Yes, sorry to say, you have homework before and after any cosmetic tattoo session. Good news! It’s relatively simple and will help you get the best results possible.

Before any procedure, you should make sure your skin is moisturized and happy. If there are any blemishes or breaks in the skin that I’ll be tattooing, I must avoid that area. This includes pimples, cold sores, and chapped lips. Drink lots of water (you should be doing this already!) and prep by using a lip balm or face cream in the areas for at least two weeks before your appointment.

Speaking of cold sores…if you have ever had one (yes, even just one!), it is essential that you get prescription antiviral medication from your doctor. Begin taking it at least one week before and continue for a week after to ensure you don’t get an outbreak. Cold sores destroy the pigment and may lead to additional touch-ups.

After your tattoo, your homework continues. While your tattoo is healing, you need to leave the area alone. Gently washing is fine, but make sure to not pick off any of the peeling skin. If it comes off too quickly, it will take pigment with it, and once again, this equal extra touch-up sessions.

Your body knows what it is doing, so let it do its thing! Although, if you notice any new redness (your tattoo will be red, so the word “new” is key) or your tattoo leaks for days after the procedure, let your artist know and head to the doctor. These are signs of infection, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Cool, I’m in. Now what?

Ready to stop spending tons of money on makeup and (legitimately) caption your photos #wokeuplikethis? Book an appointment with us!

Not in the NYC area? Make sure you research your artist thoroughly. Make sure they post before and after photos of clients with your skintone, lips/brows that look like yours, and are around your age.

See you soon!


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